Girl Scouts’ curriculum for girls, sold and promoted by every local Girl Scout council, recommends and features many well-known abortion rights advocates such as Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Geraldine Ferraro, and Hillary Clinton, and organizations that aggressively defend abortion rights such as Amnesty International, Population Council, ACLU, and National Organization For Women (NOW).
Local Girl Scout councils and Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA) honor and promote pro-abortion politicians including partial birth-abortion supporters such as Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, and Barbara Lee, as well as former HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
GSUSA confirms that its local councils and troops may collaborate with Planned Parenthood.
GSUSA maintains memberships in abortion rights advocacy groups, including the Coalition for Adolescent Girls. Other organizations working alongside GSUSA in these groups include abortion providers International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopes International, and numerous organizations that push for unrestricted abortion rights.
GSUSA is the largest member organization of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), providing 2.6 million of its 10 million girl and adult members worldwide and paying approximately 1.5 million dollars annually to WAGGGS based on the number of registered GSUSA members.
WAGGGS, which states that "anyone who is a Girl Guide or Girl Scout is automatically a member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts," aggressively promotes youth reproductive/abortion and sexual rights, specifically on behalf of its 10 million members.
Where Does the Cookie Money Go?
A girl's troop keeps an average of just 10 to 20 percent of the money she collects from selling cookies.
The local council receives an average of 65 to 75 percent of the money collected by all local troops.
GSUSA collects a royalty payment based upon its licensed trademark on every box of cookies produced. With approximately 200 million boxes of cookies sold annually, this amounts to millions of dollars of funding for GSUSA every year.